massage bar recipe

Natural Massage Bar Recipe

Hello Everybody!

      Here is a massage bar recipe that is similar to my natural lotion bar recipe but glides on a little smoother for massage. If you use lotion bars you are probably a big fan of them. Lotion bars last a long time, they contain no water so they need no preservatives, and they are great for travel, for kids, for the car, or to keep by the kitchen sink. These massage bars are similar to lotion bars only you can add essential oils for aches and pains, injury, arthritis, or relaxation.


     Add the following to make your massage bar more effective when using it to massage yourself or a loved one.

Coffee Beans

White Beans

Adzuki Beans

     The list of essential oil combinations you could add for add massage is really long, get creative. You could mix for deep muscle pain from exercise, or for arthritis, or muscle injury, or for muscle tension, or just for relaxation in general. The following is a list of essential oils that you could add to your massage bar for muscle relaxation.

Essential Oils for Muscle Relaxation

Lavender Essential Oil

Cypress Essential Oil

Peppermint Essential Oil

Wintergreen Essential Oil

Rosemary Essential Oil

Ginger Essential Oil

Black Pepper Essential Oil

Marjoram Essential Oil

Lemongrass Essential Oil

Rosemary Essential Oil

Thyme Essential Oil

Natural Massage Bar Recipe

3.5 oz Cocoa Butter

1.0oz Shea Butter

0.5oz White Beans

1.2g Essential Oils

0.6g  Vitamin E

*You can adjust the ratios of your recipe if you don’t want to make such a large batch. If you do adjust the recipe, change your essential oils to 1.0% of your total recipe and the Vitamin E to 0.5% of your total recipe.

Pre-Set Up;

     Clean your work space and clean your pots and pans. If this is your first time you might consider dedicating a pan to handmade lotions and body products. Wash your pans, mold, and measuring cups with hot soapy water. When they are dry wipe them down with rubbing alcohol.

Let your utensils dry completely, overnight is great.

Tip: Greasing your molds with just the littlest bit of oil (like sunflower or coconut oil) helps your lotion bars pop out super easily.


Measure the cocoa butter and shea butter and place in a clean (and dry) double boiler. Measure the Vitamin E, essential oils, and beans and set them aside for later.

Slowly melt. Do not heat your oil mixture too quickly or too high. The slower the better and you never want to see bubbles forming.

When everything has melted, remove from the heat. When it has cooled slightly add the Vitamin E and your essential oils. If you add them when your oils are too warm you will not receive the medicinal effect from either the essential oils or the Vitamin E.

Slowly pour into your molds.

     Now for the fun part! You can add anything to the above base to make your massage bar just like you want it. After your pour the massage bar oil mix into the mold, sprinkle in your beans of choice.

     Set your massage bars aside to cool for 24hours. Then gently pop out of the molds.

     And now you have your own natural massage bars to use on family and friends.

The following is where I get most of my ingredients.


(Michael's Craft store also carries molds for soap making)

Have fun!

And tell me about your essential oil combinations that you try in your massage bars!

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