Calendula Lotion Bars

Calendula Lotion Bars

Have you ever made your own lotion bars? They are one of my favorite things to make because they are simple and they contain very nourishing oils and butters for our skin. Unlike many lotions and creams they are not watered down with water, they are 100% plant butters, oils and beeswax, making them very moisturizing for dry skin.

As the weather cools and many of us turn our heat back on, our skin may get a little extra dry. Thats no fun and doesn't feel great either. Making fall the perfect time to make these calendula lotion bars. And making them in these cute little pumpkin molds with a few dried calendula sprinkled in for that added golden autumn color adds a seasonal touch whimsy.

What are the benefits of Calendula Lotion Bars?


Soothing & calming to irritated skin

Grounding (traditionally oiling our bodies encourages groundedness)

Healing for scars & wounds 

Leave out the essential oils and they are great for kids too!

In this recipe the oil base being used is calendula oil making these lotion bars extra calming, soothing and deeply moisturizing for your skin. Herb infused oils are easy to make and a great thing to have on hand in your family’s apothecary cabinet. If you do not have calendula oil you could just substitute for a carrier oil, like jojoba oil or apricot oil. But making your own herbal infused oil is quite simple and makes these lotion bars a bit more magical and offers more nutritional benefit for your skin. 

To make your herbal oil, simply fill a clean glass jar half full with dried calendula flowers. Pour your chosen carrier oil over the calendula and fill to the top of the jar. Cover with a tight fitting lid and label the jar with the contents and the date. Place your jar in a dark but warmish place. Give a love shake everyday. In six weeks strain the calendula oil through a funnel lined with cheesecloth into another clean glass jar. Label this jar with the contents and the date.

 And now you have calendula oil ready to use in any recipe that may call for it! Store it in a cool, dark place (keep out of sunlight and heat) and it will stay vibrant for 6-12 months. 

Calendula Lotion Bar Recipe

8 oz of calendula infused oil
8 oz of beeswax pellets
8 oz of organic shea butter 
20-30 drops vanilla essential oil 
Pumpkin molds
Dried calendula flowers

Measure out the calendula oil, shea butter and the beeswax in a double boiler. Heat gently over the double boiler until the beeswax is melted. Stir occasionally to help spread the heat around. 

While the beeswax is melting, sprinkle dried calendula flowers into the molds. This adds a fun pop of autumn color to the pumpkins once they are popped out the molds. 

Once the beeswax, calendula oil and shea butter are melted remove from heat and add in the essential oils. Stir well to make sure they are fully dispersed. The essential oils are optional, the vanilla adds a grounding and warming feel, perfect as we head into the cooler months of autumn.

Pour into the molds. Sprinkle a few more dried calendula on the tops, will they soak in and add bits of color when they bars are dried. Let sit for several hours until completely hardened.

Once the lotion bars are completely solid, remove from the molds and store them in large salve tins. You can order tins here

These make great little autumn gifts! Let me know if you make them!

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